This Woman Was Fired Over Her Body Positive Engagement Shoot

This is pretty messed up.

After Stephanie and Arryn's engagement photoshoot pictures went viral on Facebook, the post has racked up over 85k shares. But apparently, all the love couldn't save Stephanie from pissing off her boss.

The post continued to spread love because of its body positive message. However, after a week of sharing, Stephanie was told her employment was now under discussion... She was let go the following Monday. 

According to Stephanie, "There was concern on how it would affect the company’s reputation and how customers would feel seeing the session online." She says the company, Austin Bank Texas, was uncomfortable with the fact that she was topless. 

She also says her husband Arryn has not run into any issues in regards to the shoot and still works for the company he's employed by with no issue.


Read more of the story below:

Source: Cosmopolitan

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